Surprise! My husband and I are expecting our first bundle of joy! I realize that it has been quite some time since my last blog post. As always, for the last few years, I have just been living life. I’m finding myself more offline than I’ve ever been since I started this site 10 years ago. Styled Chic will always be apart of me and when I am inspired to post I will and when I decide to prioritize my real life, I will do that as well ☺️. Anyhow, here’s a bit of a life update that I felt was only right to share in my special, beloved space on the internet.

We officially announced this special news to closer family and friends just a few days after my birthday last month. Then, shortly after to the World Wide Web : )

We are over the moon excited for this next chapter in our lives. My husband and I have always wanted to become parents and we made sure to be pretty intentional about when we would begin our journey. It was really important to us not to rush that step. That we spent a lot of time adjusting to married life after we said ‘I do’ and really create and build a solid marriage and space for us. Life began to life, which included my husband’s job moving us to a new city, purchasing our first home, traveling, continuing to live our lives to better ourselves mentally and spiritually and now..expand our family. We experienced some success at times, while also hitting some really low points where we weren’t exactly in the best space to become parents. We took our time to go through life and now, it feels so good to know that we are more ready than ever to start this journey to be the best parents we can possibly be to our little one.

I have always wanted to be a mother. I just knew that I wanted to be a mother at the right time in my life and I am so glad that time is now. I wanted to accomplish as much as I could, experience, develop, and know myself better as a woman and wife before I even thought about bringing life into this world. It was very important to me to not only become the best Samara I could be, but also strengthen my emotional and spiritual intelligence and my overall identity. Of course, I’m not perfect —and never will be. Nor will I be ‘perfect enough’ in order to have a child. What I do know is that creating a stable home and environment for a baby/child starts with me —and then my husband— and together WE create a home that a child deserves. I feel so good knowing that I’m becoming a mom at the best part of my life.

For all of my readers who have been here since the beginning— thanks for sticking by and even visiting this site throughout the years! This is a new and exciting journey for me and I have so much to share! I will be sharing so many more updates here!

For Taylor is expected to arrive February 2023!