
Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to my new site design! This has truly been a work in progress for a really long time. A little longer than what I would have liked for it to be, but I figured the new year would serve as the perfect time to go live with the new layout and start completely fresh with Styled Chic. I had my last layout for 5 years so this was long overdue. So much has changed and I wanted Styled Chic to match where I am at this time in my life + reflect exactly who I am. With that being said I felt the desire to add more categories. I plan to share a lot more with you from my everyday life and new found interests. Feel free to click around to get familiar with the new tabs for now and be sure to stay connected as I will be adding more content to each section.

Outfit Details: Velvet Suit Jacket: Esmara by Heidi Klum-Lidl | Black Velvet Top: Esmara by Heidi Klum-Lidl | Velvet Pants: Boohoo | Earrings: Nordstrom | Heels: Target

Outfit Details: Velvet Suit Jacket: Esmara by Heidi Klum-Lidl | Black Velvet Top: Esmara by Heidi Klum-Lidl | Velvet Pants: Boohoo | Earrings: Nordstrom | Heels: Target

I always like to go into a new year with a positive mindset and great expectations for each area of my life. I am so thankful that I can say that this past year was a blessing. Although I had some days last year that I had to work extra hard to get through—My good days outweighed the days I struggled. By the grace of God I can wear a smile on my face and still be grateful. A lot of my personal and professional goals grew into fruition and I had some really great experiences + opportunities that I will always cherish. That’s what I choose to focus on and quite frankly that’s all that truly matters. So let’s celebrate! And what better way to do so than with a glass of Prosecco🥂. Something I will definitely be doing today and into the upcoming weekend. What is something you accomplished last year that you are proud of? Cheers to 2019: To Living life in Full Bloom🌹
