Blogger 411 | How to Find Success In Blogging With A Smaller Audience

The perception right now amongst many bloggers is that you have to be 'popular' and have over tens of thousands of followers on social media in order to find success in the blogging world.  While numbers can definitely play a big role in attracting brands, receiving free product, and getting invites to certain events on a regular basis-- I'm here to tell you that the numbers are NOT the end all be all.  What's also important to think about first and foremost is what you perceive to be success online as a blogger.  One could find that they are successful in just creating their blog, hitting publish on a post, and having the world (or a few family and friends ☺️) simply be able to read it.  Another would deem they have reached success after they've gotten their first check or receive opportunities on a regular basis to make money.    It's really all in how you view it.  In this post, I'll be discussing the latter.

As a blogger with a reach of under 10K, I have still had some of the same opportunities that bloggers with over 100K have had.  I've been able to work with major style and beauty brands, be flown out on location to represent said brand all while still being paid to do so.  Let me be your example in how it is VERY possible to not only attract a major brands attention when you have a small following, but also, generate another stream of income through monetizing your blog.  If you have a small audience and are still growing your readership do not let the false perception of social media discourage you.  It's all about perspective and focusing on what your personal goals are as a blogger.  Your goals and opportunities don't have to look like every other blogger on Instagram.  Here are a few of my thoughts and tips on how you can find success in blogging with a smaller audience.

1.  What's Your Purpose?

Before jumping on the bandwagon of what seems to be working for others, really explore what it is that you like and are passionate about.  Are you wanting a blog for popularity?  To make money?  Or do you just have a desire to share whatever it is that you do?  For me, it's always been about sharing written content, my journey with style, and love for beauty.  Since I were in high school I wanted to have a career in fashion as an editor, buyer, or in fashion merchandising.  Find what it is that really ignites motivation and passion from within.  If you are looking for success in your blog by growing readership and ultimately attracting monetized opportunities, your love for whatever it is that your blogging about will be your fuel during the times when those 'Glow Up' opportunities haven't come your way yet.  If you don't really have a purpose, you'll find yourself doing everything that everyone else is doing trying to 'catch fire' and ultimately giving up because it's not something you really loved in the first place.  Knowing why you're blogging brings clarity and focus.  Purpose and focus are definitely some of the key ingredients you'll need in order to garner the success you're looking for.

2.  Be Intentional

Although I tend to have a relaxed approach when it comes to how I post on my blog and social media, I am still very intentional about how and what I share.  When you look at my feed on social, most posts are of what I'm wearing, where I've been, my natural hair, beauty, and a little lifestyle here and there.  It all ties into the niche of blogging I'd like to be tied to. Therefore, if you look to have your blog taken a little more seriously in the eyes of brands and are using it as a tool to create our own business, definitely take the time to plan.  Plan what you want to share and create content that you can be proud of.  Use specific hashtags certain brands use to increase the odds of having your social posts featured.  Tag companies you love.  Share your content on varies social platforms.  Learn when is the best time to share your work on social and do that.  When you are intentional about the work you are creating and how you promote it, it sets you up so that it isn't by accident that your attracting opportunities.

3.  Be Great

 I really like to focus on becoming really good at what I do.  I often times get compliments on my photos that I take on IG or my outfits and how I applied my make up.  It's because I've practiced and over time learned what works for me.  I take time to plan my written content and what I would like to say.  I do research.  I try not to just slap a post together.  Whatever I share, it's my best.  Whatever kind of post or content you create, it should be your best.  Is that not what this is all about? Especially if you'd like to reach a certain level.   If not, then why bother?  Become a master at what you do.  Don't focus on anything else.  It takes time, patience, and practice. Continue to research to get better--whether it's your writing, photography, editing-- have the mindset and focus of being great.  Although your audience is smaller, your work will always speak for itself.  When you are known for being great at what you do sometimes the numbers won't even matter.  Brands will want you to be part of their campaign simply off the strength that you are the expert in your field.

4.  Reach Out

There are times where it takes a little more than doing the work and expecting a brand or someone you'd like to work with in business to make the first move to reach out.  If there is a certain company you'd like to partner with, research who you need to connect with and send them a quick email.  Ask if there's any way to be part of XYZ or whatever it is that you'd like to do.  Be professional when reaching out as well and also think about what it is that you can offer them so that both parties can benefit from whatever exchange you are trying to have with them.  As the saying goes 'Closed mouths don't get fed.'   

5.  Focus on YOUR work

Quit worrying about the analytics of Instagram.  I've seen a lot of bloggers complain about the changes with Instagram and other technicalities, but guess what?  You should let NOTHING stand in the way of you and what you are trying to do with your blog, business, or in life for that matter.  When you face challenges, take a step back, research, and problem solve.  Continue to focus on what you want to create, your plans, and what YOU want to do!  It is perfectly okay be inspired, but don't become so obsessed in someone else's work that it distracts you from what you do well and have to offer.  When you shift your focus to what you have going on, you'll become better at what you do and that in turn benefits YOU. 

If you noticed these tips are not a quick scheme to get you a glow up.  Being a style and beauty blogger right now is tough work if you want to have bigger opportunities to work with brands.  This post is about changing your mindset and perspective so that you set yourself up for the opportunities. I'm here to tell you that it's possible to get what you're looking for, but realize that everything takes time.  Don't give up.

If you are a blogger that would like to meet with me or discuss matters concerning blogger guidance and tips; send me an email so that we can work on a game plan to get clear on why you're here and how to take things up a notch.  I would love to offer my services to you in a more in depth analysis of how I can help you and your blog.  For more information, connect with me at  Serious Inquires only.