New Beginnings | Purchasing Our First Home

In my last post I told you guys the month of May would be really busy.  So I've been away--but for a good reason.  Last month my husband and I closed on our FIRST HOME!  We are so happy and so excited for this next chapter in our lives as HOMEOWNERS.  Purchasing a home has always been a goal for us and I am so happy that we were able to achieve it!  We are so incredibly thankful and grateful to God for blessing us with this gorgeous house that came along when we least expected it.

 The road to finding a home that fit both of our needs with a nice location took us a few months.  To be honest, the buying process went so smoothly (Thanks to a our awesome realtor).  The most challenging part of all this came more so with our commute.  Now as you may know we were commuting about an hour and a half every day for work and I'm so glad it's over. The long hours, constantly feeling like you never have enough time in the day, trying to juggle our personal time together, and organizing the move itself got old.  It was also a lot when working full time and trying to run Styled Chic.  So, it feels good to have my evening hours back and not to be so far away from home.  I get to come home and have some extra hours to relax, cook, and get back to sharing with you guys here on the blog.  

What I love about our house is that it has the character and charm of an older home because it was built in 1978, but it is also very modern with updated fixtures, lighting, and appliances. I love that we have both hardwood floors and carpet as well as an open floor plan for dining and entertaining!  Plus a deck!  I am so excited to get started with decor and really making our house a home.   

Growing up my parents always would tell my sister and I "Home comes first."  I understand that even more now because it's true.  The materialistic aspect of purchasing a home for the first time feels great and it's a really big accomplishment-- But I think it's also really important to understand that for me it's not about the hype of the house, but building a foundation of family, love, and peace.  Your home should be shelter and a place of serenity--a place of joy!  That's what we intend to do. This is such an exciting time and I intend to take you guys along the journey with me.