Style At Work | Work Appropriate Makeup Pt 1: Bold

Welcome to the first installment of my new 'Style At Work' Series.  In this series I will be sharing content all about staying chic while at work.  Part 1 is a bold beauty look that I wear when I know I'll have a meeting or important conference to attend for work.  Even with glasses this look stands out.  It was important for me to show you that this makeup look is perfect with or without a pair of frames. 

For me, makeup in the work place should look classic and natural.  Even with red lips, it's important to keep the look professional--I don't want to look overdone.  I really believe that woman of color have so many options in cosmetics on the market right now and shouldn't have a problem creating a professional look.  Depending on your place of work--keeping a professional look should be a top priority when it comes to how you present yourself.  Personally, light to moderate makeup makes me feel more put together and when I feel put together--I tend to do better.

Enjoy the video!