5 Ways to get Out of a Natural Hair Rut

Yes.  You read it right.  How to get out of a natural hair rut, because it definitely happens if you've been natural for years.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe I'll ever go back to having a relaxer.   I think my hair just thrives more in its natural state. However, this year I've reached an all-time low of complete boredom.  I think that's probably why I started the year off protective styling with wigs.  In that post I talked about being tired of doing hair, so protective styling all winter and spring really did me some good.  I like a new look every now and again, but lately, it's just been on a whole other level.   I've noticed the itch to want to change styles more frequently and I've also been really frustrated about different ways to style my hair.  Blah.  Really I'm just speaking out loud, ranting.  In reality it's always cool to go back and forth from afro to defined curls.  I feel like it's also important to know that as a natural there are times in this journey where you won't like your hair.  It won't come out the way you want or may not even be the look you want to go for.  Sometimes my outfit may call for a sleeker look and my hair will give me poofy and frizzy that day.  Ugh.  While I love promoting self-confidence and embracing the features you were born with, at times for me, natural hair can be frustrating AND boring every now and again.  That's why you see a lot of us who's been in the game for a while switching it up with color, extensions, crochet braids, and even wigs.  YES wigs because it's so easy!  Some of us even cut it off and start all over again.  If you ever find yourself in a natural hair rut, here are 5 ways to make it out without reaching for the relaxer:


The other night I just randomly did a Wash & Go.  I hardly ever wear my hair in wash & go styles but in the past few years wash & go's are a life saver when it comes to humidity in the summer.  In my early natural days I didn't like how my hair looked and it took me some time to embrace my overall appearance and texture.  I really think just taking the time out to try something outside of your comfort zone will help you to discover different styles.  That can definitely pull you out of a slump of having the same old look.  Don't just watch hair videos, spend time with YOUR hair.  I had to learn what worked for my curl type and just play around.  I discovered ways to style my hair based on my face shape and what just looks good.  You can also get a cut or color to switch things up.  Not everyone should set goals on getting "long hair".  Shorter hair on some women just fits them better.  You'll never really know what can give you that extra something if you don't experiment.  Even with color!

Try New Products

In the beginning I would only buy the basics like shampoo, conditioners, and a style pudding for twists.  It wasn't until recent years that I got a little more educated on how products will work on my hair type.  Products like foaming mousse and curling custards have really helped me out when I want to achieve different looks.  I've also found that trying out different brands can also give you a pick me up.  Not all products work the same.  Being armed with what always works is important but I noticed when I tried the ORS Curls Unleashed Boosting Jelly on my wash and go I really liked it!  It made me feel better about the way my hair was styled thus making me feel super happy about doing my hair the next day.

Protective Style

Sometimes a good wig or crochet braids are all we need to give us a new look without a permanent commitment!  After 4 months of wearing my wig off and on I started to miss my curls.  I believe most of us women like to switch things up so if you aren't sure exactly what you want to do with your natural hair--put it away for a while until you can figure out your next move.

Let Your Hair BE

This past weekend was busy and Saturday night I wasn't in the mood to re-twist my hair when I got home.  So I didn't.  The next morning I woke up irritated because I knew I only had a few options on how to wear my hair if I wanted it to look decent and I refused to wear a dog on bun again.  My hair was poofy and frizzy and so I said--forget it.  This is what it's gonna be and got my gel and foam and went to work.  I ended up pinning it into this up do shown in these photos, which I ended up loving just as is.  Not every curl has to be defined or "popping".  When you just let it be, and roll with it, with just a little this and that girl you'll still be able to swag it out like it's nothing.  

Natural Hair isn't about Having Perfect Hair

Now this took me some time to understand.  At first it was all about recreating these looks I'd see online.  Big brands don't always do a good job at representing every type of curly girl.  For a long time we could see that only a certain type of curl would be praised or marketed the most.  What I've learned here is that with my natural, it's not the same and is not always going to slick down like another's or even be perfectly curled.  I have really awesome hair days as well as those days when I have to roll with it and learn how to handle it. For the most part, I do like to put effort into my hair because let's be honest, nobody wants to look run down and busted when they go out in public.  But I will say that if you're looking for your hair to look perfect all the time go get yourself some weave.  Even when my hair isn't perfect everyone else around me seems to think otherwise.  Weird.  

If you've been in a style rut like me, hopefully these tips will help you out.  I think it's normal to want to try different things.  The main thing is to loosen up a bit and not be so hard on yourself about your natural.  Take the time to learn how to do your hair, experiment, and get inspired.  That should get you back on the good foot!  Oh and I got a Henna tattoo this past weekend at a vegetarian festival.  You can see it on my hand in the second photo in case you were wondering what I was doing, lol.  I love it.  Until next time!