5 Reasons Why You Never Have Anything to Wear

It happens ALL the time.  Whether it's a job interview, birthday dinner, date night, grabbing lunch, or just simply going to work everyday, it's the same old thing.  We rummage through drawers or stand and stare into our open closets with not a clue as to what to put on.  To make matters worse, this dilemma normally occurs only a few hours before it's time for you to leave the house.  You find yourself frantically running around your bedroom growing more and more irritated until you finally just "throw something together" and that settles it.  How crazy is that?  Talk about the ultimate struggle.  With all that shopping we've done it just doesn't make sense!  Here are a few things to get you going with your wardrobe so that you don't find yourself with a closet full of clothes and "nothing to wear".

1.  You Don't Have the Basics

Think of an outfit like preparing a meal.  Before you begin, you've got to have the essentials like cooking oil, salt, pepper, a little flour, some butter--see where I'm going?  So you need to have the basics in your closet to create a decent outfit.  Your essential pieces that go with EVERYTHING. A few years ago I did a post on fashion basics.  Although it's a few years old, the principles remain the same.  Read up on it HERE to get a break down of where you should start.  Keep in mind that having items like:

*Black Pumps
*White button up
*Dark Denim Jeans
*Little Black Dress
*Everyday work bag

are key.  It makes it that much easier to create an outfit, especially when you are in a time crunch.  Also when you have these in classic colors like black, white, grey, blue, or red, it's also a plus.  These are classic colors that will never go out of style.  You can have these pieces for years and still look current.

2.  You Aren't Planning Your Outfits

I'm actually guilty of this.  I'm quick to say "Oh, I'll just figure it out in the morning."  But what happens is, I rarely really figure it out in the morning.  Taking the time to think about whatever event we are attending is the first step.  If you have a wedding to go to that is cocktail attire and you don't have a cocktail dress and now here it is, the week of the event and you don't have anything to wear, you're forcing yourself to rush through everything and just settle.  Start thinking about things in advance.  By allowing yourself the time to plan what to wear, it gives you time to really put together something nice, and therefore look your best.

3.  You Don't Know What You Have In Your Closet

Ever purchase that cute dress that you just have to have, take it home, hang it in the closet only to never think about it again?  Yea girl, I've done that too.  Sometimes we have some really cute pieces that are buried and hidden and we forget all about them.  Take some time to look through your wardrobe and just take inventory.  I especially like to do this before I go shopping, just to ensure that I don't buy the same thing twice.  You need to know what you have, it's as simple as that.

4.  You Aren't Shopping Correctly

So back to my food analogy.  You can't buy olives, chips, and peanut butter and expect to get a hearty meal out of that.  Everything should compliment what you already have or be cohesive  to the meal you are trying to prepare.  Same goes with your clothes.  You can't buy several crop tops and midi skirts in the middle of November and expect to have something to wear to work Monday through Friday.  I'm not trying to tell you what to purchase, but in this case, it only makes sense to be a little more practical when you shop.  You've got to have more everyday clothes + work clothes than you have going out clothes.  Better yet, shop according to your lifestyle.

5.  You Need To Organize Your Closet

There's just absolutely no way you're going to find anything to wear if your closet is a mess.  Ugh, just thinking about digging under a mountain of clothes is frustrating.  Take some time to properly hang the appropriate clothes.  Organize by blouses, pants, skirts, etc.  Line up your shoes.  For the most part, organize everything in such a way that you are able to see most of what you have.  That will make it that much more easier to pair things together.  Group your items so you know where you can find everything.  Coats, blazers, long sleeved blouses, short sleeved blouses..get it?  Now you can literally just grab and go.

Do you consistently find yourself with a closet full of clothes and still have nothing to wear?  I hope these helpful tips can get you on track.